Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Sinisie Red Pome Lotion

Product Ingredients:
Body hormone, melatonin, five clock Melaleuca, hydrolyzed pearl, red pomegranate essence, rose essence, whitening factor, South Korea's latest anti-UV ingredient LOP and SO shaping factor, vitamin C, vitamin E

For Face:
Maintenance, sun, touch up, isolation and concealer, modification, shrink pores, deep whitening.

For Body:
Body whitening, body, sun, sun whitening, body rejuvenation, legs.

Suitability for:
A facial and body skin are born white or sun tan people.
Summer like to wear tank tops, short skirts, hot pants MM.
Three long-term outdoor workers or go out to tourists and essential goods.

How To Use:
Take appropriate smear on the face and body skin, gently massage until the skin is completely absorbed.

The body skin is inherently white or the sunburnt want to restore the white skin of the MM can try Oh, the products are recommended by the treasurer trial to feel pretty good product, good whitening effect, SPF30 sunscreen index, the summer of MM are do not buy sunscreen, but not greasy, very delicate, white, natural, with sun repair sun whitening effect of continuous use after 28 days, it will show the most natural whitening. Anyway, is very magic Oh, a little does not clog pores, and very breathable Oh, like the body to use Cream Oh! Very like my own use, and the girls around the trial over, everyone feels good (systemic use, the face can also be used to Oh, from now until the end of the summer a big bottle is enough, that is, the price is not cheap. However, the whitening DD is more expensive raw materials

That the white skin is mostly rely on the natural but in fact I can be transformed in many MM face than the body skin is white, summer did not dare to wear suspenders, skirt, did not dare to wear sandals, wear skirts have to wear on stockings, indescribably depressing, with a body of white skin becomes smooth and white.

Woman needs careful management of two things, one face, the second is the body, compared with the facial skin, body care often overlooked,systemic delicate white skin is the dream of every woman, so whether you are born black, sun burnt, it is recommended that timely Korea - white body wipe white body skin whitening is a great whitening products.

Consumers like it because: a touch of white, 28 days to achieve long-term white, true white, natural white, fresh and not greasy.

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